December 27, 2022 Volume XV # 34


Kitchen Hours This Week -- Tuesday through Saturday: 8:30-3:00 Sunday: 8:30-1:00


Events This Weekend

-Tuesday through Friday: Happy Hour 4:00 - 8:00

-Saturday: Happy Hour and New Year’s Eve Party 4:00 PM - 12:30 AM


In This Issue

-New Year’s Eve

-Coming Events

-Thank You to Bartenders

-Skis Found in a Locker

-Ticket Agent Hours


Buy Your Ticket for the New Year’s Eve Party

Plan to spend some or all of your New Year’s Eve at the club. We have planned an event that has something for everyone. Buy your ticket ahead to save money!

-4:00 Bar opens to all as usual. Watch Michigan play in the Fiesta Bowl.

-6:00 Appetizer Buffet

-Kitchen is open until 7:30 with a limited menu.

-8:00 Dessert Buffet

-The bar is open into the New Year—music, friends, and fun!


The cost of the Appetizer and Dessert Buffet is $12.50 per person if purchased by December 30. See Sue in the kitchen to buy your ticket. Tickets purchased on December 31st are $15 per person. If you choose to order food in the kitchen, usual prices apply.


Coming Events

Club Reunion and Potluck: Tuesday, January 10th at 5:00 PM

This event is a way for former and non-skiing members to catch up with each other and the current membership. ALL members are invited. It is an annual gathering of good food, good friends, and good music. DJ Glen Stout will provide the tunes. Everyone attending should bring a dish to pass, and the bar will be open. Plan to come!


New Member Night and Steak Fry: Saturday, January 14th

Now that pandemic restrictions are lifted we can once again celebrate our new members. This year’s party should be a great one, since we’ll be honoring new members from the past two seasons as well as this year. New members receive a free meal, but the rest of you will have to pay. Everyone should sign up on the sheets posted in the rest room hallway. You can also email Sue at


Thank You to This Week’s Bartenders

We couldn’t do it without you! Tuesday: The Demek Brothers; Wednesday: Erik Winquist and Ryan Martin; Thursday: Pat Bourassa and Corky Potvin; Friday: Tom and Jaqueline Winquist


NOTICE: As of this writing, we still need some bartenders for New Year’s Eve. There are two time slots available, 7:00 - 10:00, and 10:00 - 12:30 AM. Please contact Katie at or sign up in the bar.


Skis Found in Locker

Some skis and poles were placed in locker #77 by mistake. The locker’s owner has given them to Sue in the kitchen to watch over. See her to describe your skis and retrieve them.


Ticket Agent Hours

A ticket agent will be in the club on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and Christmas week from 15 minutes before the lifts start until 11:15 a.m.


Coming Events

-Saturday, December 31st—NYE Party Tickets on Sale Now!

-Tuesday, January 10th—Club Reunion and Potluck

-Saturday, January 14th—New Member Steak Fry—Sign Up!


Do you have an article you’d like to submit to the newsletter? Contact


This is your club. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. Contact